Featured Artist

Were there artists whose albums we have more of in stock than Mac? Absolutely. Did any of them stand a chance of being our first Featured Artist instead of Mac? Absolutely not.

Mac Miller is the definition of talent. Of an Icon. He's become the voice of so many all while in constant search of his own. He's an artist you don't just listen to. You feel his music. You relate to his music. Largely because his music was always a reflection of his life at any given point. Mac always said the best way to know how he was doing wasn't to ask him, but to listen to the music he was making. That snapshot would always be the truest reflection of his current mental, emotional, and physical states. That's expression in its purest form. That was Malcolm.

Far more than just a lyricist, Mac contributed heavily to his albums. He was a self-taught musician and was well-versed in piano, guitar, bass, and drums. This was all by the age of 6. Mac didn't casually fall into this, he was destined for this. Beats and production would also find their way into the list of Mac's contributions and vocal lessons were also underway at the end of his life to add yet another layer.

As you can tell, Mac is an artist whose musical legacy we greatly value and have our own personal connection to. In fact, the photo used on the home page banner is a photo I took almost 6 years ago to the day from our site launch at the GO:OD AM tour, the only time I was able to see Mac live. And though we wish we had more offerings than the 4 albums currently in stock, that certainly speaks to his ongoing popularity. Please join us in honoring Mac's legacy as our Featured Artist through the end of the year and revisiting his music or taking this as an opportunity to introduce yourself to it.